Saturday, July 5, 2014

Clarification of my earlier post....

It has come to my attention that my previous post has in some measure been mis-understood greatly.  I hope this will clarify my stand.

First, I am not against any person who works at Hobby Lobby.  I think there are some awesome people who do work there.
Second, I do not agree with the policy of the owners of Hobby Lobby that they will deny coverage of any product they believe will cause an abortion.  This is the company owner saying "We know better than the woman and her physician what is good for her body...mind...and spiritual well being."  To me this is the owner of Hobby Lobby practicing medicine without a license.  What about the woman with Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)--the most effective treatment is one of the oral contraceptives that the Green Family has determined cause abortion so will not cover nor will the procedure to diagnose nor treat the problem be covered.  This is not right.
Third, I think the slippery slope of business owners dictating medical care, what car you can drive, what clothing you can wear, what you can eat and drink in the privacy of your own home, in short all facets of our lives...that slippery slope we are now sliding down.  If the business owner has a "closely held belief" that women should not wear trousers then any woman who works or shops there can not wear trousers/pants/slacks.  If the business owner has a "closely held belief" that blood products are against their religion they can remove that part of the health care policy they choose to offer their employees and the employees family (family policies).  That means if you are in a car wreck you are left to bleed out and die.  Those are just a few of the areas business owners are going to pry into employees lives about and I feel this is inappropriate and very offensive.
I will not be shopping at Hobby Lobby in the near future because of the owners' policies.  I have that right still as an American Citizen to not purchase from someone because I don't want to for what ever reason.

I respect those who continue to shop at Hobby Lobby but I will be shopping at JoAnn Fabrics and my Noble County Yarns--my local yarn shop.

Peace, Cyn

1 comment:

  1. Cyn, I completely agree with your assessment of the "slippery slope" that has been opened up by the court's decision to allow Hobby Lobby to dictate what features their privately-held insurance will cover. BUT They ARE privately held - not just the company, but they maintain what is called self-funded insurance. They are not insured by a publicly held company, but by monetary reserves placed in escrow to cover anticipated expenses. They do have the right to decide how they will spend their money. AND - I also am going to try my best to avoid spending my own money in their store. That won't be easy, but, hey, neither is paying taxes. Count me in on the boycott. :(
